Welcome to my page, and allow me to introduce my self.
I'm a single mom from two boys age 20 & 10, originally from Philippines but grew up in Belgium.
At my spare time, i love reading books while drinking coffee. Suspense, horror, documentary, and amazing fantasy are my kind of books.
I'm crazy about coffee to the point i name my own coffee "KOFI". I always start my day with KOFI, it gives me boost to start and face a surprising day. without it would be a gloomy day for me.
I love eating but i am not a good cook. kitchen will be destroyed if i attempt to cook a good meal hehehe... I remember what my "sarcastic" Lola told me when she was still alive...
"MARRY A GUY WHO DON'T KNOW HOW TO EAT, CAUSE YOU DONT KNOW HOW TO COOK." it's funny but in someway it's true.
I like writing stories whenever i am at my crazy moods, specially when i am feeling hurt or angry. It is from that emotions i dig my inspiration.
Blogging is my top choice to express who i am, what i feel, and my way to decrease my depression. Me by sharing this page is letting everyone knows that i am a human too. So i hope you enjoy my page and find it interesting. visit me often and Thank you.